Ashcroft Gauge Pressure Sensor memberikan pengukuran tekanan yang presisi dalam sistem udara, air, atau gas dan cairan lain yang kompatibel, dengan akurasi ± 1% FS dari -20 ° hingga 85 ° C (-4 ° hingga 185 ° F) dan hanya ± 1,5% FS -40 ° hingga -20 ° C dan 85 ° hingga 125 ° C (-40 ° hingga –4 ° F dan 185 ° hingga 257 ° F).
Persyaratan untuk digunakan dengan pencatat data tertentu:
Seri HOBO MX1100: kabel input DC 0-5 Volt (SD-VOLT-05) dan daya eksternal yang disediakan oleh adaptor AC (AC-SENS-1)
Seri HOBO U12, UX120-006M atau ZW: kabel input DC 0-5 Volt (CABLE-ADAP5) dan daya eksternal yang disediakan oleh adaptor AC (AC-SENS-1)
HOBO RX3000: modul input analog (RXMOD-A1)
HOBO U30: modul input analog (VIA)
HOBO H22: modul input analog (S-FS-CVIA)
- Transduser tekanan berkinerja tinggi untuk digunakan di tempat industri.
- Sambungan berbahan stainless-steel 1/4 “NPT.
- Tersedia dalam 3 range: 100, 200 & 500 psig
Measurement ranges: 100, 200, 500 psig
Compensated temp range: -40° to 125°C (-40° to 257°F)
±1% FS from -20° to 85°C (-4° to 185°F)
±1.5% FS -40° to -20°C and 85° to 125°C (-40° to –4°F and 185° to 257°F)
Non-linearity: less than ±0.1% of span typical
Non-repeatability: less than ±0.03% of span typical
Hysteresis: less than ±0.01 of span typical
Stability: less than ±0.25% of span/year
Durability: tested to 50 million cycles
Overpressure: 200% FS
Response time: less than 1 msec
Power: 9-36 VDC, 5mA
Operating temp range: -40° to 125°C (-40° to 257°F)
Operating humidity range: 0 to 100% RH, no effect
Output signal to FlexSmart module: 0-5 VDC, 3 wire
Insulation breakdown voltage: 100 VAC
Insulation resistance: greater than 100 megohms at 100 VDC
Construction: Shielded cable, 24 AWG, PVC jacket, 1-meter
Pressure connection: 1/4” NPT 304 stainless steel
Sensor material: 17-4PH stainless steel
Housing material: 20% glass reinforced nylon, fire retardant to UL94 V1
CE compliance: Per EN 61326: 1997 + A1: 1998 + A2: 2001, Annex A (Heavy Industrial)
Dimensions: 2.9 cm diameter x 6.4 cm long (1.15 in. diameter x 2.5 in. long)
Outer cable diameter dimension: 0.21 in. (5.4-mm)
Weight: 89.4g (3.15oz)
Number of data channels: 1
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