Food-Grade Stainless-Steel Temperature Probe dengan ujung runcing untuk digunakan dengan HOBO U-Series, UX120-006M, data logger saluran eksternal MX1100, atau node data nirkabel seri ZW.
- Akurasi dan resolusi bervariasi
- Rentang pengukuran mulai dari -40 ° hingga 100 ° C (-40 ° hingga 212 ° F) di udara atau air
- Waktu responnya adalah 3 menit tipikal hingga 90% di udara yang bergerak 1m / detik (2.2mph)
- Waktu respon dalam air yang diaduk adalah 15 detik tipikal
- Sensor terpasang ke kabel sepanjang 1,8 m (6 kaki)
Measurement range: -40° to 100°C (-40° to 212°F)
w/U12: ±0.25°C from 0° to 50°C (±0.45°F from 32° to 122°F), insert probe 5.08 cm (2 inches) minimum;
w/ZW: ±0.21°C from 0° to 50°C (±0.38°F from 32° to 122°F), insert probe 5.08 cm (2 inches) minimum;
w/UX120-006M, MX1104 and MX1105: ±0.15°C from 0° to 70°C (±0.27°F from 32° to 158°F), insert probe 5.08 cm (2 inches) minimum;
w/U12: 0.03° at 20°C (0.05° at 68°F);
w/ZW: 0.02°C at 25°C (0.04°F at 77°F);
w/UX120-006M, MX1104 and MX1105: 0.002° at 25°C (0.003° at 77°F);
Drift: <0.1°C (<0.2°F) per year
Response time in air: 3 min. typical to 90% in air moving 1 m/sec (2.2 mph)
Response time in stirred water: 15 sec. typical to 90%.
Probe dimensions: 102mm (4 in.) food-grade stainless steel probe with pointed tip; 3.2mm ±0.25mm (0.12 inches ±0.01) diameter
Cable length: 1.8m (6 feet)
Note: The stainless steel probe is waterproof, but the handle is not intended for prolonged use in water or moist environments, especially those with temperatures greater than 30°C (86°F). For more details contact Onset Computer Corporation or an Onset authorized dealer.
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