Pencatat suhu/tingkat cahaya tahan air HOBO MX2202 memanfaatkan kekuatan Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) untuk memberikan pengukuran suhu dan tingkat cahaya yang akurat langsung ke perangkat seluler Anda dengan aplikasi HOBOconnect gratis Onset. Dirancang untuk daya tahan, logger tahan air kompak ini sangat ideal untuk mengukur suhu di sungai, danau, lautan, dan lingkungan tanah. Pengumpulan data di lapangan tidak pernah semudah ini!
Tambahkan MX Gateway. untuk akses ke data Anda di perangkat lunak HOBOlink berbasis cloud Onset (penerapan dalam ruangan).
Persyaratan Pemasangan: Sangat penting agar rumah logger tidak terdistorsi saat dipasang. Saat memasang logger ini ke permukaan yang tidak rata, seperti tulangan atau tiang, sebaiknya gunakan Boot Pemasangan (BOOT-MX2201-2201). Boot ini juga berguna untuk memasang logger sehingga dapat dengan mudah dihapus untuk diperbaiki.
Anda dapat mengunduh aplikasi HOBOconnect di sini:

Temperature Sensor (MX2201 and MX2202)
-20° to 70°C in air
-4° to 158°F in air
-20° to 50°C in water
-4° to 122°F in water
±0.5°C from -20° to 70°C
±0.5°C from -4° to 158°F
<0.1°C per year
<0.18°F per year
Response Time
17 minutes typical to 90% in air moving 1 m/s, unmounted
7 minutes typical to 90% in stirred water, unmounted
Light Sensor (MX2202)
0 to 167,731 lux
0 to 15,582 lum/ft2
±10% typical for direct sunlight (see Light Measurement on page 2 for more details)
Logger Operating Range
-20° to 70°C in air
-4° to 158°F in air
Buoyancy (Fresh Water)
2 g positive
0.07 oz positive
Radio Power
Transmission Range
Approximately 30.5 m line-of-sight
Approximately 100 ft line-of-sight
Wireless Data Standard
Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth Smart)
Logging Rate
Time Accuracy
±1 minute per month at 25°C
±1 minute per month at 77°F
CR2032 3V lithium, user replaceable
Battery Life
1 year typical at 25°C (77°F) with logging interval of 1 minute and Bluetooth Always On enabled in software.
2 years typical at 25°C (77°F) with logging interval of 1 minute and Bluetooth Always On disabled in software.
Faster logging intervals and statistics sampling intervals, burst logging, remaining connected with the app, excessive downloads, and paging may impact battery life.
To ensure proper battery installation, see Battery Information for detailed instructions on replacing the battery.
Full Memory Download Time
Approximately 45 seconds; may take longer the farther the device is from the logger
Wetted Materials
Polypropylene case, EPDM O-ring
3.35 x 5.64 x 1.8 cm
1.32 x 2.22 x 0.69 inches
Environmental Rating
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